September 1, 2010

School started today.. Now what do I do?

So I started school today! Yeah.. So much fun..

At least I met some people from my summer Japanese class today. It was kind of funny that when I replied with "Ohayo~" they were like "... Ohayo". I totally understand how they feel. I've gotten rusty with my Japanese too, since I haven't been practicing. I hope to have a little time to review during my busy schedule, especially the kanji. But I guess practicing conversation would be my first priority though.

I also had class with one of my friends today. :D Yay!

So after my classes were over, I finally got home and checked over all my class stuff to find out...that I buy...a clicker!! @.@ So I'll have to magically buy my clicker, find a computer, register it all before class starts tomorrow. *sigh* I'm sure I can do it, but I wish I had checked this info when I was still on campus (or maybe not.. the line ups were super long at the bookstore).

Tomorrow is another day and while I am scheduled to have a lab tomorrow, I just hope I don't do any lab work other than inventory. Please no cleaning. >.<

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